Bentley Blubaugh

Wichita City Council

District 4 


 All my life I have strived to help make the lives of others the best they can be. In my own life I have achieved many goals I had always longed for as a child. Since I have accomplished some of my biggest dreams, it is now time to take on another great goal of mine: being able to serve the Wichita public.

It is an honor to announce that I am running for Wichita City Council District 4 

 It is time Wichitans have their voices heard from someone with a track record of helping people stand firm for their beliefs. As a young community member I bring new ideas to Wichita while keeping the core vales of Wichita alive. Apart from being a young professional, small business operator, husband, and soon to be father, I volunteer any chance I can to make Wichita a better city to live in. I believe that with great minds in politics we can all be in unity together and make Wichita a better, safer, and cleaner place to call home.